Teddy? Mummy Would Never Lie  2023
Illustration  /  Book binding  /  Audio interpretation
Teddy? Mummy Would Never Lie is an illustrated children's book cover, that ironically narrates disturbing and adult topics to children in an extreme manner.
Death, divorce, drugs, war, and the tooth fairy are all subject matters that parents hide from their children, and lie about, to protect their innocence from reality. 
For this brief I was given an audio, that told a story about the morals of lying. From this audio I was tasked with producing a physical interpretation, hence the experimentation with book binding, based on the theme of dishonesty.
This project was inspired by a paper that discussed the real phycological reasons why we lie to children. Furthermore, the creepy illustration style in varying shades of blue, was influenced by my recollection a childhood novel called ‘The Night Pirates’.
Commenting on social norms this project and its illustrations, although satire, pushes the boundaries for what is acceptable as a children’s book.
Project created using Adobe Creative Cloud services.
*Mockup components used to enhance context and communication. Components sourced from Unsplash.com.
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