Cawston: The Puzzle of Us and Tomorrow  2024
Strategy  /  Experiential and spatial design  /  Diorama  /  Identity
Cawston is a large Rugby residential estate, with a growing population since establishment in the millennium. A vast green space, the park, is popular with leisure and acts as cross-roads to the wider estate and services. The park is bare, and with identical new build properties littering the estate, Cawston lacks character.
This creative placemaking intervention gives residents a chance to express themselves, their memories and stories. Showcased through illustrations, mockups, a storyboard and a maquette, the concept aims to showcase the estate’s history and identity, in addition to reviving the area and increasing interaction.
The Puzzle of Us and Tomorrow takes the form of larger-than-life reflective structures that comment on the estate’s expansion, disrupting the horizon and mirroring approaching stakeholders. The project is created through residents sharing advice, photos, memories, and responses to prompts, on jigsaw piece stickers that form a puzzle on the structures around the park.
The project showcases and creates a core identity of Cawston through its people. The installation connects neighbours and increases footfall. Overall, it is a celebration of Cawston’s stories over time.
Project created used Adobe Creative Cloud services.
*Mockup components used to enhance context and communication. Components sourced from
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